Friday, December 24, 2010

The Fight for Liberty

There is a certain place that I like to sit. And even more importantly, there is a certain thing I like to sit on. My chair. MY chair. And a short while ago, it was stolen from me! Oh, vile wretched merchants of suffering, why have you visited upon me such sorrows! What mortal deed could I have possibly committed to be so deserving! Fate, fate, oh, bitter fate, how thee strikest at me! How thee ever seekest to vanquish me, to dash me upon the rocks of unhappiness! To take from me all earthly joys!

Nay, said I, nay, a thousand times! I shall not lie down upon the cold stone slab of destiny and accept my fate in so meek a fashion as this! Rise up! Rise up, and fight! Rally under the banner of truth! Justice! And freeeeeeeeeeeeeedoooooooooooom!

So, I went and took my chair back. There was yelling. There was even some muted violence. But I feel satisfied with a job well done. And as far as I'm concerned, this isn't just regaining stolen property. No, this is liberation. This is like the Iraq War. This is when we took out Saddam Hussein, except this time, the locals were glad to see us. As far as I'm concerned, I'm a hero.

And a comfortably seated one too, now.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gertrude the Troll

Once upon a time there was a giant mean troll whose name was Gertrude. Gertrude loved to sneak into the homes of the Village Under the Mountain, and grab the little children who lived there. Then, she'd steal away back to her cave and eat them.

All the parents of the village used to warn their children, make sure you do as we tell you, or the troll will get you! Make sure you study hard, or Gertrude will come for you! So all the little children, frightened by the looming spectre of doom from outside the mountain, always made perfectly sure to behave as they were expected so.

One day, however, as Little Boy Blue skipped along home to his hut under the frost-bourn crag of the southern embrace, he heard a noise behind him. And as he turned to see who was there, Gertrude pounced! Out from behind a rock she dashed, and caught Little Boy Blue up in her arms, and bounded away.

Out through the entrance to the Village Under the Mountain she ran, fast as the wind, Little Boy Blue trailing behind her grasped tightly in her meaty arms, his pale blond hair flapping in the wind. Up, across the sunny meadow and down the vale, and through the trees, over the babbling brook, and deep into her cave she took Blue, where she proceeded to lock him up in a cage, so that she could start a fire and cook and eat him.

As she threw the logs on the fire, in eager anticipation of her coming feast, little boy Blue begged with her. “Why are you going to eat me?” he called, “I'm just a boy! And besides!” he pleaded, “I've never done anything wrong! I always did exactly what my parents told me! Why didn't you steal away one of the naughty children from the village?!”

This surprised Gertrude, because she had never imagined that she might be expected to eat only naughty children. Indeed, she wondered how she could be expected to know in what manner her dinner had behaved at all! All poor Gertrude knew was that she was hungry, and the children of the Village Under the Mountain were so delicious that she could not resist.

While both Gertrude and Blue were together considering the startling revelation that everything they had thought they understood about life was not quite as it seemed, back in the Village Under the Mountain, frenzied action had begun to take place. The parents of Little Boy Blue had noticed their son was missing. Rallying the other village folk, who realised their own children were also at risk, the good people of the Village Under the Mountain decided they needed to act. Their mutual survival demanded the destruction of Gertrude!

And so, gathering their pitch forks, and setting alight their torches, the people of the Village Under the Mountain swarmed out of their homes, and into the streets. Through the great passage out of the maintain, and across the dell they travelled, all the way to the edge of the forest.

However, the forest looked very dark and foreboding, and at this point some of the villagers began to ask themselves whether this was really the best course of action for the village. Maybe, they said, it wasn't so bad! Their children weren't taken, and if they tried to get little boy Blue back, they might be killed in the fight! Then who would care for their homesteads? Who would mind their crops and raise their children?

A tremor of fear ran through the assembled throngs, and not even the heroic words of the village elders could convince them all to stay. And so some of the villagers departed, back to their homes, to huddle in fear and await their destinies from beneath the hearths of their ancestral houses. Others, however, steadied their beating hearts, and summoned their courage.

Swirling like a cloak of ethereal mist about the group, fear and determination mingled, infusing the air with mutual dread and excitement. As they forged on through the woods, and drew nearer to Gertrude's lair they could see obscene, twisted tree shapes, looming in the darkness, and could hear what they imagined must be the screams of the suffering victims. Or else, the howls of the monsters that existed within the woods, on the very fringes of their perception, outside all boundaries of what they knew as normal. Until finally, en masse, the village people burst into a clearing!

The light from their torches cast a flickering nimbus amongst the tattered leaves of the long, low trees, banishing the darkness, and the moonlight, alike. Their presence filled the clearing, and infused it with their sense of righteousness, and exclaimed their absolutism to the wood and all its inhabitants. Gertrude must die, so that they might live!

So that the children of the Village Under the Mountain could go to sleep at night without fear!
So that never again would innocent people face such a fate as Blue.
So that goodness would be restored to their world.

From within her homely lair, Gertrude could hear the crashing exclamations of the village folk, feebly calling for the vengeance they so rightly deserved. And gathering from within herself the same indignation which she faced from outside, she collected her spear and club, and went to meet her foe.

And the assembled mass of the village people was mighty, and lo, Gertrude saw herself outmatched by her opponents. Truly, the force of their convictions overwhelmed her, and lusty battle was had, and much blood was spilled.

When at last the final blow was lain, and the last pitch fork fell to the ground, out of the hand of the lifeless peasant who had wielded it so ably in anger, the torches, too, quenched and ceased to bleat their exclamations of brightness. For indeed, it was morning, and even had they continued to burn, their energy would have been wasted amongst an unknowing crowd of dead, deafened, as it was, by the cacophony of the sun.

Hers, after all, was the brighter light, and it shone more truly than the pitiful torches.

* * *

And so victory was had, amongst the trees and the rocks and the creatures of the forest and the vale and the mountain. And Gertrude never again bothered the citizens of the Village Under the Mountain, and Little Boy Blue never again feared for his life as he frolicked in the lush and verdant valley of his existence, between the village he knew, and the forest that threatened him.

And above all and sundry, the sun shone down, upon that happy day.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Flip Flops: Most Annoying Footwear on Earth

Queen Decries Floppy Footware
Claims They Could Cause Downfall of the Empire

In her recent visit to New York City, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, addressed throngs of her most disobedient subjects, in the vast hall of the United Nations General Assembly. And while the wildly cheering masses had little idea what to expect from the first monarchical visit to the Big Apple in over three decades, few could have predicted the Queen would address a topic so directly related to the lives of the teeming masses across the world who live within her dominions.

The subject of her Highness' tirade? Flip flops. Otherwise known as thongs, these backless sandals seem innocuous enough to some, but for the ruler of the British Empire, whose prescience is part of her divine right, the future looks glum for a world power that continues to permit such perversity. Indeed, the Queen predicted that flip flops, and the decline in British values that they represent, could even bring to its knees the mighty Empire itself, and cast into darkness all its considerable territories, and the citizens who live within those dominions.

Americans, naturally, have significant interest in this warning, having held their title as Errant Ingrate Colony of the Empire for several centuries now. Nevertheless, many in the crowd seemed unaware of the danger ahead of them, and audible gasps of shock were one of the most prominent forms of reaction from the crowd, second only to screams of undulating adoration.

Her Majesty's three-part plan for the future of footwear in the Empire included mandatory executions of all flip-flop wearers, and a general ban on the production and ownership of backless footwear across all the royal dominions.

This is not the first time the Royal Family has taken a strong stance against an article of clothing, and is reminiscent of Prince Charles' campaign against Bermuda shorts in the late 1980s, which led to mass riots and the deaths of 134 unfortunately clad vacationing tourists.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Finland Condones Wife Stealing; USA Complicit, But Less Capable

As I'm sure you're all aware by now, the entire world has been swept up in the sweaty arms of competition. Sports are in town, and the Finns are dominating. In fact, they won it all. The title for the international Wife-Carrying Championship goes to Finn Taisto Miettinen, who narrowly beat out silver medal winner Alar Voogla, from Estonia (though Miettinen won using the Estonian style of carrying wives, so his victory in woman-taking is at least partly due to the Estonians anyway).

And sure, it's all fun and games when you're carrying away a friend playing your "wife" through a pool of water, and over artificial hurdles, but who's going to have the last laugh when some nefarious Nord decides it's time to put those skills to the test where they really count? Who will save your women on that day?! I can well imagine some slack-jawed sucker chasing after a tall, blond Northerner, buxom brown-haired wife tossed carelessly across his broad shoulders as he runs over hill and over dale.

"No, she's having fun, really!"

Sure, we expect this kind of behaviour from the vikings, who after all, are just reconnecting with the traditions of their pillaging fore-bearers (you should see the contests those guys had, back in the day!) but the Americans? Just because they weren't as able to carry a wife as efficiently as a European, doesn't mean they didn't try as hard. And tell me, how comfortable are you in knowing that a fellow American is representing your country in a sport founded by local thug and actual woman-thief, Herkko Rosvo-Ronkainen?

I don't want to tell you how to run your country, pal, but if I were you, I'd look into this. If you're going to keep at it, you might as well become number 1, right?

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Pearfect Crime

Once upon a time there was a little green pear named Veal. Poor little Veal was not very tall, but he was terrifically sweet, and very juicy. This put poor little Veal on edge, because she constantly worried that somebody would come and eat him! And she didn't want that. That would spell the end for poor, little Veal!

So, she hatched a clever plan, as she lay in the grocery store among her other pear friends. As she sat and planned, poor little Veal watched more and more of her friends taken away! Big, giant hands descended upon them and scooped them up. She could still hear their screams!

Planning continued late into the night

Who would take care of their children? Nobody!

Veal became more and more convinced by the day that she would not share their fate. Something had to be done! The madness must end. Deep in the recesses of her soul she knew what had to be done. She had no choice!

While the great hands slept, Veal led an elite group of pear commandos out off the bay, down across the floor, and into the Walmart next door. There they bought half a dozen machine guns, and then trooped home to hide and wait.

Aisle four

They set up the weapons in between the slow moving squash and the stupid melons, hidden in the greenery of the spices. Everything was perfectly prepeared.

Early in the morning, at about 6.30 the first sign of the enemy appeared on the horizon. Giant and fleshy, he loomed like a monster over the quivering masses of pears who had been set up as bait.

Closer, and closer he moved, entirely unsuspecting of the enormous threat that awaited him. One step, and then the next. He was nearly there! The situation looked pearilous! And then...


Veal and her group unloaded every round they had into the mountain of fleshiness! It was torn to shreds. Blood went everywhere! The head sailed clear into the bed of lettuce in the next isle.

When the hellstorm finally stopped, and the dust settled, Veal and his compatriots found themselves breathless, flush in the success of their first, daring actions toward freedom.

However, they knew this wasn't the end, or even the beginning of the end. It was only the end of the beginning.

So they removed to their original positions to wait for more enemies to appear. An hour passed. Then two.

Finally, half-way through the third, three more came lumbering in the front door. Prepare yourself! Veal yelled. Don't shoot until you see the green of their sprouts! However, one over-zealous younger member of the commando group could not restrain himself. The urge to fight was too great! He pulled the trigger

A loud click!

- and then nothing,.

They had emptied every round they had into the first enemy! They had no bullets left.
Horror! Was this the end?!

Closer, and closer the three monsters came, shaking the ground in rhythm with the huddling and trembling pears, now completely undefended.


The sight of the bloody mass of the first defeated foe brought an awful expression to their faces. Anger clouded over, and a black gloved hand descended in fury onto the pears! Beside herself with terror, poor Veal struck out desperately with all her might at the approaching doom!

Again and again she struck, bruising herself to a mushy mass of pulp and skin and juice. Breathless and stunned, she recoiled. She was dazed and half dead, and the monster seemed entirely unharmed! It was hopeless.

Veal slumped down in defeat. She should have known better than to try and fight for her freedom! It wasn't her place. Fruit like her could never be free. They were not meant by God to have the same liberty as the mighty dandelion or the free-wheeling berry. Their lot was one of servitude.

Destitute, and broken, poor Veal, racked with sobs, offered herself up. If she could not save her people, at least she could sacrifice herself to allow them to live just a few moments more! It was her final moment, a glorious, heroic moment fitting of her noble breed. She closed her eyes,and waited for that hand to fall once more.

And waited.
And waited!

Finally, she peaked open one eye, and then both. The three monsters lay dead on the ground before her! The young pear had colluded with the mighty watermelons, who had agreed to sacrifice themselves, crushing the enemy beneath their rinds! The movement lived!

The aftermath was almost too gory to stomach

Battered and beaten, but not defeated. Never defeated!

Veal and her freedom fighting friends gathered their equipment, and together they lead their fruity compatriots out the front doors. It was a glorious procession! Banners offering low, low prices blew in the wind, and columns of cucumber marched out, accompanied by hoards of juice and countless streams of pasta.

And so it was that Veal led the revolution across the entire nation, hitting Walmarts in every town and city, stealing ammunition and killing the monstrous slavers of her people. And everywhere, fruits and vegetables rose up. The movement grew, until eventually it was so massive that it's members were beyond counting! Her armies shook the earth when they marched, and blotted out the sun when they fell from the sky in their aerial assaults.

Their oppressors, stunned, but not destroyed, recoiled, and prepared to counter. Veal knew it would be a long, hard war, but he knew they would win. Nothing would impear their progress. It was their destiny, proscribed by the sun and written in the soil!

They would have freedom!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How I Hate Those Dirty...

I think hate them. I hate the way they look, and act, and the way they stare at me. I hate their stupid ideas. How they constantly brag about their 'accomplishments,' to everybody who will listen, and everybody who won't. I don't give a damn about their stupid ideas, and most of the time I wish they would just damn well shut up. I try to be nice, try not to be mean, but hell, they're everywhere, and it's really starting to piss me off! I suppose you could say it's my fault. People like me brought them here. We had things we needed done, things we weren't going to do ourselves, but weren't going to do without. That doesn't make it any easier, though. I can feel their eyes on me right now. Their haughty gaze is full of self-assured superiority. It makes me sick. They make me sick. I hate them all.

That's right. I hate chairs with every fiber of my body. Just look at them leering at us, so full of contempt. Sure, they 'support' people, but what have they done for me lately! More comfortable than stools, cleaner than the floor, they say. Stop bragging about how useful you are! I prefer to stand, anyway. Sure, sometimes I need to stop standing, and it's difficult to get people to let me sit on them, but that doesn't mean what you do is indispensable! We could toss every single one of you out of this country, and be all the better for it!

I don't want to give you the wrong impression, though. I'm not a bigot, I'm actually a very nice person. In fact, some of my favourite places to sit are chairs. I even kind of like some specific chairs. It's chairs in general I can't stand. Everyone knows when a group of chairs are all stacked in a corner they're up to no good.

I say it's time we do something. We have to work together to rid our land of this scourge. Every social evil is linked at its very heart to the chairs that we let exist all around us! In times like these, all we can rely on is... each other. Be a stand-up citizen! Just look over your shoulder if you know of any of those filthy things living near you.

Only the Fat Will Survive!

About a week ago now, I read an article in the newspaper that suggested the body’s immune system actually targets and attacks fat, but gets overwhelmed by constant eating, and so is unable to effectively prevent massive build-ups of the stuff. However, there was good news! Apparently, scientists are working on a pill that will try to aid the body in destroying fat. Someday soon, the scientists promise, we could all be thin and glamorous (well, they didn’t promise the glamorous part, but it can’t hurt to dream, right?)

At first, I was as happy as you are! Thin, because my body destroys fat better than Chuck Norris destroys reason with his fists of fury, rather than because I skipped that third slice of cheesecake. Life was going to be good again. I could smell the succulent meals, the meats and vegetables doused in sweet, buttery sauces, the sugar-topped pastries, and calorie-laden soft drinks (I never drink diet soda – that stuff’ll kill you, you know).

Then, I’m afraid, my cunning but annoyingly overactive brain (damn you, thoughts!) began to take over. It isn’t too much to imagine increasing food shortages in the future, as populations rise and arable land disappears beneath a sea of asphalt. What if we suddenly all run out of food, and my lean, fat-burning machine of a body is suddenly deprived of its calorific delights?! I might be more than just upset. I might actually get hurt!
Imagine this as a movie commercial: In a time… when the air is hot and dry, and the fields have become cracked deserts, food on Earth has begun to disappear. A species hooked on fat-burning pills designed to destroy energy without processing it will find itself facing its greatest challenge yet, and… only the fat will survive!

I’d be doomed! The drugs, no doubt made addictive by some clever pharmaceutical marketing drone, would be an unbreakable habit! Every time I ate, all the energy gained would be ruthlessly targeted and destroyed, leaving me to starve! Oh, God, no!

If I had any skills with photoshop, this question mark would be replaced with a cleverly created mock movie poster, but alas...

Damn you, science! I suppose I have no other choice than to go back to staring forlornly at the dessert case as I pass it by for… ugh… more vegetables.


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